Psychiatric emergencies - 01 40 47 04 47
SOS Psychiatry - 01 47 07 24 24
CPOA (Centre Psychiatrique d’Orientation et d’Accueil) - 01 45 65 81 09
Hôpital Sainte-Anne,17 rue Broussais, Paris 14ème
Open 24/7
Free consultations and psychiatric care
Firefighters - Dial 18
Samu - Dial 15
Centre d’Accueil Permanent (Paris 9 and 10) - 01 40 22 12 69
24-26, rue d’Hauteville, 75010 Paris
Phone support and psychiatric care
Urgences Médicales de Paris – 01 53 94 94 94
Open 24/7
Psycom -
Information institute on mental health and psychiatric care
SOS Amitié - 01 42 96 26 26
Phone line (Paris) available 24/7
SOS Dépression - 0 892 70 12 38
Open 6 days out of 7, from 10AM to 7PM
Information Dépression -
UNAFAM (Union Nationale des Amis et Familles de Malades psychiques) -
Several associations located in Paris provide therapeutic support at little or no cost to people who cannot afford it.
La Traversée - La Traversée is an association based in Paris which welcomes those who feel excluded, alone, those who suffer from a loss, a rupture, an illness. It offers individual support combined with group support to recreate links and relationships, thereby giving new meaning to one's life and gradually regaining its place in its environment.
L'APSOS - APSOS is an association which brings together volunteer psychotherapists to receive people in social distress.
Les Psys du Coeur - Les Psys du Coeur is an association which offers therapeutic support to anyone removed from traditional consultations for social, economic and / or cultural reasons. This support is exercised during weekly hotlines; a place where people are received anonymously and confidentially. It is free.
Since 1965 practitioners in the field of psychology, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, have organized themselves into associations which serve as a regulatory structure. They also offer valuable information about the approach of psychotherapy as well as addresses of professionals they recognize.
Société Française de Gestalt Thérapie (SFG) - Society of Gestalt Therapists of which I am a member and of which I have signed the code of ethics. Its site presents the specifics of Gestalt Therapy.
Collège Européen de Gestalt-thérapie (CEG-t)
Fédération Française de Psychothérapie et de Psychanalyse (FF2P) - The FF2P brings together around sixty associations, schools and training institutes for psychotherapists of all backgrounds (psychoanalysis, cognitivism, existential humanist therapies, etc.)
Syndicat National des Praticiens en Psychothérapie (SNPPsy) - Group of practitioners in relational psychotherapy and psychoanalysts.
Several reference Gestalt Therapy schools train Gestalt Therapy practitioners, but also organize Gestalt initiation and practice courses for all ages throughout the year. Their websites offer a general presentation of Gestalt Therapy.
École Parisienne de Gestalt (EPG) - This is the school in which I was trained, based in Paris and founded in 1981 by Serge and Anne Ginger.
Institut Français de Gestalt Thérapie (IFGT) - Institute based in Bordeaux and Paris, founded in 1980 by Jean-Marie Robine.
Gestalt + - School of Gestalt based in Rennes, founded by Yves Plu in 1998.
Champ-G - School specializing in Gestalt Relational Therapy (PGRO) based in Roubaix.